It Takes a Village

annual fund

MAAME, Inc. Annual Fund

MAAME’s “It Takes a Village Annual Fund Campaign


MAAME, Inc. proudly serves nine counties across North Carolina, dedicated to increasing access to maternal health services for Black and Brown families throughout their perinatal health journey. Our goal is to bridge the gap in maternal care by providing crucial support during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Through this campaign, we are offering essential services and increasing the training and development of community-based maternal health workers, including doulas, lactation consultants, and maternal mental health and wellness peer support specialists. Your contributions help us build stronger, healthier communities by empowering mothers and maternal health advocates.


Giving Levels:

$35: Provide a Weekly Produce Box

Provide a fresh produce box to support a family in our First Foods program and encourage healthy eating during pregnancy and postpartum.

$55: Support a Maternal Health Workshop

Help provide expecting mothers access to essential health education workshops, equipping them with the knowledge they need for a healthy pregnancy and beyond.

$100: Sponsor a Prenatal or Postpartum Visit

Ensure that a mother receives emotional and physical support during a critical time through a prenatal or postpartum doula visit.

$250: Provide Lactation Support

Fund a month of lactation support, helping mothers establish and sustain breastfeeding and ensuring their babies receive vital nutrition.

$350: Cover Maternal Mental Health Support

Help one expecting mother receive maternal mental health support, along with educational materials and resources to prepare her for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.

$500: Sponsor Full Maternal Health Services

Sponsor a family’s complete maternal health services, including childbirth education, mental health support, and lactation services, giving them the necessary tools and care.

$1,500: Provide Comprehensive Doula Care

Fund comprehensive doula care for one family, including prenatal visits, labor support, and postpartum follow-up, ensuring continuous care throughout their journey.

$2,500: Fully Fund Maternal Health Services for a Family

Thoroughly cover the maternal health program and services for one family, including doula care, mental health support, and parenting classes, ensuring holistic care for both mother and child.

Why Your Support Matters:

Each gift strengthens our village, enabling MAAME, Inc. to provide crucial maternal health services to underserved communities. Your contribution is more than a donation; it’s a partnership in building healthier, stronger families. Together, we can create lasting change.

Join us today to support maternal health through MAAME’s “It Takes a Village annual fund campaign!

Support Nuturing Families & Communities

We can arrange for the very freshest flowers to be delivered to most U.S. States.

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Upstream Works Collaborative is the fiscal sponsor for MAAME, Inc. 
EIN 82-5298960